13 April 2009

a wayward passage

click foto


Mr. Trombley said...

Dear Sir,

In answer to your question: Yes, Peter Lorre was the murderer in "M".

I'm back to blogging, if you are interested. I hope to be more regular in posting, but I've made and failed such promises before.

suesun said...

I assume that quote at the beginning is yours. I love it. LOVE it.

eleKtrofly said...

you are correct, sue-- you saw thru the thin veil of my pseudonym. originally, that was the beginning paragraph of the story but it felt so detached that i decided to make it a quote from a mysterious friar.

and trombley, no worries, my man-- i am so rarely online myself that i will do my best to read and respond to some of your blog posts. but overall, life takes precedence over internet.